We enjoy spending time with other enthusiasts as passionate about their cars, but it is different for each of us. Some like to compete, some like to watch the races and others relish working the “nuts and bolts” of their cars. Many like the pure pleasure of navigating along twisty back roads to savor the sound and feel of their driving machine. It is all about sharing time with good friends where Porsche is the common thread.

The Delaware Region was founded in December of 1959 and officially became part of the Porsche Club of America in January 1960. We are fortunate to have a number of members with lots of experience in all aspects of the Marque. There is someone in our club who can answer any of your questions from personal experience. A great benefit.

Our Region is an active one! We have a full calendar for the year and add events throughout the season. Our club holds monthly meetings at various locations around the area. Our agenda includes a review of recent club events, once in a while a speaker, information on upcoming events and of course, lots of socializing, whether inside or outside in the parking lot where you will find the largest collection of Porsches in Delaware. Club highlights are: The Annual Picnic and Concours, the Holiday Party, our Annual Drivers Education event at NJMP and our very social monthly meetings.

Visit one of our Delaware Region meetings or events if:

  • You own a Porsche or are thinking about becoming an owner.

  • You like being around people who have a “Passion for Porsches”.

  • You enjoy Porsche related events.

  • Please check out our calendar on this web site, come visit us at a meeting, or e-mail one of the officers and get involved.

2025 Officer Elections Are Completed

  • The elected officers of the club will be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.

  • Upon nomination and election by the general membership, there may be more than one person in any given position, but that position will have only one vote in the business and affairs of the Executive Committee.

  • All officers will be Active members of Delaware Region.

  • The officers shall be elected by secret ballot to serve for one year in accord with the fiscal year prescribed by the Bylaws.

Please see below for a list of our 2025 Officers and Chairs

Meet the Team

  • Lisa Hatfield


  • Matt Bader


  • Tom Beane


  • Gary Place


  • Matt Bowe

    Membership Chair

  • A.K. Kissell

    Club Historian

  • Ian McDermott

    Downstate Activities Chair

  • Mark Weining

    Web Store Contact