What’s Cooking!

Updates from our last board meeting.

(February 20, 2025)

March 11, 2025 Update: We were busy at our last board meeting planning fun activities for upcoming months. Hooray for nicer weather. Some events are still “under construction”. These include looking into doing a Cars and Coffee at Porsche Delaware in April, working out details for a drive we hope to arrange in April (tentatively scheduled for April 12), scheduling some dinner meetings north and south, fleshing out details for a summer picnic (July 12) and looking to do a special celebration for PCA national’s 70th anniversary and our club’s 65th anniversary. - Matt Bader

Our next club board meeting is March 27th, 2025. Ideas, suggestions, or offers of help can be directed to Lisa Hatfield or Matt Bader. Thanks for supporting the Delaware Region PCA.

April Dinner Meeting

April Dinner Meeting

April dinner meeting at the Mexican grill located in the Newark shopping center. Looks like a cool little spot, and we look forward to checking it out with fellow club members and guests.

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February Meeting

February Meeting

Green Turtle Restaurant-Middletown. Meet a local estate and trust attorney who will be educating us on laws related to trust and estate planning in Delaware.

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