2023 Thunder Again
October 6-8, Thunder Again HPDE
New Jersey Motorsports Park
Millville, NJ
Schaefer’s Canal House Meeting
Special summer dinner at Schaefer’s canal house in Chesapeake City
2019 Summer Picnic from John Campanella
On Saturday, July 13, 2019, over 80 club members and their guests enjoyed the Delaware Region Porsche Club of America’s summer picnic at Ashland Nature Center in Hockessin Delaware.
Tech Tactics East 2017 by Liz Reid
I am heading north to Tech Tactics because I enjoyed it so much the year prior. I dragged George Pearson along with me. Boy did he benefit‒they had a photography class and how to get your work published.
April Meeting Recap
We had a very enjoyable meeting this month at Two Stones Pub in Newark. Spring graced us with one of the nicest days so far, so plenty of members’ cars were allowed to come out and play! This made for an impressive display of Porsches in the parking lot, which no doubt got the attention of the many patrons who were there that evening.
2016 Porsche Parade by A.K. Kissell
In spite of what the title says, it is a national week long gathering of Porsche owners from across the US and Canada. The ‘Parade’ handbook lists 1072 Entrants this year not counting co-entrants and others.